Community Assistance
In 2020, Miles Against Melanoma Community Assistance program started providing our local schools and daycare centers with sunscreen dispensers and sunscreen. As of today we have provided 15 dispensers and sunscreen. Our sunscreen dispensers are currently located at Blair Oaks Elementary and Middle School, Trinity Lutheran School, St. Peter Interparish School, Immaculate Conception Catholic School, Calvary Lutheran High School, Academy of Innovative Learners and Show Me Child Care Center, This year we will be adding another 15 sunscreen dispensers to the Jefferson City Parks and Recreation Summer camps and Versailles Elementary.
After applying for a grant with the AAD, the Missouri Academy of Dermatology awarded $10,000 for the installation of a shade structure for Trinity Lutheran School. The shade structure has been installed and the children are enjoying the large shady area to play in.

Annual Update
Last years race was held at the Capital Region and MU Health Care Amphitheater. We were able to raise $26,264.00. This is the most we have raised at an event. The funds will be divided between Barnes Jewish Hospital Melanoma Research and our Community Assistance Program.
We will continue to provide the community with sunscreen dispensers and sunscreen. We are looking to expand our assistance to include shade structures for schools and daycare centers.
This years event will look a little different. We will have one of the most skin friendly events yet. A glow run will be hosted at Memorial Park, Jefferson City starting at 8pm. This 3K glow run will be a timed event for fun with no medals. Please follow us on Facebook or Instagram at mamjcmo for more information.